Friday, January 2, 2009

Invitation from Sue Hellman

Those of you who knew me when I was at Guildford Park will remember that my idea of being technologically savvy was knowing who in each class could hook up the video machine and how to get my marks in more or less on time. You will likely be surprised to see my name on this program, but for me the past year has been one of change and reinvestment in myself not only as a teacher, but as a learner.

My New Year’s Resolution for 2009 is to continue this journey into what for me is uncharted territory in Technoland. I hope some of you will join me as I try out these 23 Things and become more confident about negotiating my way around Web 2.0 before it morphs into Web 3.0.

Our first challenge in this process is to come to some understanding of just what Web 2.0 -- aka the Read/Write Web -- is. To help with that I am assembling a video that I hope you will find both entertaining and informative. Stay tuned.

The course will begin in the second week of January. Although it's a self-study program, I hope you'll be emailing me and others for help rather than sitting frustrated and alone at your machine. No one will have all the answers, but together we should be able to figure most of this out. The idea here is to connect and help each other. I hope we’ll be meeting in real time online using Elluminate, so you might want to consider getting a headset with mike that you can use during meetings.

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